Letting Go With the Hanged Man Ritual


Learn how to step into your best self by letting go of all that does not serve you anymore. My 2019 Hanged Man Ritual features detailed thoughts and expressions on the Hanged Man, the Sun and the Empress, as well as my personal New Year’s Eve ritual that you can use at home.

Major Arcana Correspondences


Learning to read tarot usually begins with the major arcana. Listed in this post are two major arcana correspondence charts, colour coded to help you see at-a-glance major arcana elements, astrology, timing, numerology, counting values + yes no tarot.

An Unlikely Relationship

lovers and devil from 1909 rider tarot

There is no denying the visual similarities between these two cards. Barbara Moore looks more closely at them including their numerology.

Soul Journey Tarot Spread

soul journey tarot spread

Where does your soul go when you sleep? What does it discover? Who does it meet? What does it learn and what does it bring back to you? Find out here.

Numerology of the Minor Arcana


Often called the Minor Arcana, or the Pip Cards of a Tarot deck, they number 36 in total. I explore the actual cards in my tarot card meanings section. In this post, I want to show you how the numerology of the Minor Arcana works and how the numbers themselves have universal definitions that can be broadly applied to all cards and metaphysical situations. You will no doubt see relationships between the numbers here and the general definitions of the Major Arcana.

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