Tarot Card Counting Tutorial

universal rider waite tarot card counting directional dignities

This tutorial will focus on Card Counting as refined by the Golden Dawn, their system is interwoven with the Qabbalah and the Tree of Life, and you will see influences from these systems in Card Counting, though you don’t need knowledge in either to count cards.

Deck Review: the Hezicos Tarot

Created and self-published by Mary Griffin, this stunning deck took 3 years to complete and is the most wonderfully colourful deck I have seen in a very long time. I was surprised to discover that the Hezics Tarot is painted in watercolours, I never knew watercolours could be so vivd. The shades of pink and orange, of green and lavendar, of blue and yellow are rich and full and a delight to behold.
The deck is based on the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot and remains true to the imagery and structure of it. The only differences being a name change in the Minor Arcana: Pentacles become Coins, and Wands become Rods.

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Ancestral Patterns of Life: The Tarot

ancestra patterns of life tarot spead

Heal your family karma & past relationships with guest poster, Nikki Mackay’s, insight, experience in human relationships and of course, tarot. Use Nikki’s tarot spread to help you on your way to healing your family karma.

Order In The Court

universal rider waite smith tarot wands court cards

Guest post by Barbara Moore.

Do you think about the number of Minors, Majors, and Court Cards and thank the tarot goddesses and gods that there are only sixteen Court Cards? I know I did. Even today, after almost two decades of studying and reading tarot, I still cringed when Court Cards turned up in readings. Court Cards are usually considered among the most difficult cards to interpret. I can think of several reasons why this is true.

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