Elemental Dignities tutorials
Elemental dignities can enrich your tarot readings. They can also be complex to learn and required clear explanation and a lot of practice. You’ll find all the explanation you need with my free tutorials, and if you need some guidance and practice, I can help you with that too.
Introducing The Elements
At the very core of the tarot are the four elements and the tarot aces and this post explores their journey from the natural world to the esoteric; and gives examples of how you experience the elements in your everyday life to how through the four elements, they have been adapted and incorporated with our spiritual pursuits, namely the metaphysical and the tarot.
The Elemental Dignities Mini Series

This mini series introduces you to the concept of elemental dignities from selecting just one card and looking at its divinatory definitions and meanings, its numerology, astrology and elemental association. This is brought to life by asking real questions and using the tarot card drawn to answer them.
By adding an additional card, Part Two of this Elemental Dignities Mini Series shows you how the tarot cards interact. Now seen as a two card combination, it looks at how the elements interact with each other, and how this interaction changes and affects the questions asked in Part One.
Adding the third and final card to make a three card combination, called a triplet or triad, this mini series shows you how to read these three tarot cards using elemental dignities, again looks at how this changes the interpretations given when applied to the questions introduced in the Part One and reinterpreted in Part Two.
The Elemental Dignities Dictionary

The Elemental Dignities Dictionary is unique and groundbreaking. For the first time you can look up any two and three card combination of elements and learn their definitions from two authors, so two perspective to help inform your own.
Using the standard primary colours of red, blue, yellow and green to represent the four elements; this has been expanded upon by including the shapes of the Platonic Solids to further link the reader with the natural aspect of the four elements.
See two different tarot readings using elemental dignities and card pairing showing you how to read card combinations easily. Also includes Golden Dawn examples as a further example of how to read using Elemental Dignities.
Adding an Elemental Base to Your Tarot Card Readings

Explores the idea of adding a fourth element to a triplet in elemental dignities. By using the element associated with the question being asked, it shows how by adding this fourth element, the elemental dignities change; and of course the interpretation, enriching your tarot reading and giving your client more layers of meaning and depth.
Using The Question As A Significator In Your Tarot Card Readings

Expands on the concept of adding an elemental base to your question by actual selecting a tarot card to represent the question and putting it squarely in the Tarot reading, as a significator. Not confined to elemental dignities, but certainly at home with them, this technique allows you to see directly how the question relates to the answer, holistically and not separately.
Beyond the Celtic Cross

Based on a single tarot reading, Beyond the Celtic Cross takes you through the steps of learning elemental dignities, card counting and pairing.
All you need do is grab your tarot deck and follow along!
Co-authored with Paul Hughes-Barlow of Supertarot, find out more about this innovative and fascinating book.
Get your copy from Amazon, or if you’d like a signed copy, contact me for details.