Tarot Card Counting Tutorial

universal rider waite tarot card counting directional dignities

This tutorial will focus on Card Counting as refined by the Golden Dawn, their system is interwoven with the Qabbalah and the Tree of Life, and you will see influences from these systems in Card Counting, though you don’t need knowledge in either to count cards.

3-2-1 Tarot Spread

3 2 1 one tarot spread

Sometimes all you need from a tarot spread is a quick snap-shot of the situation and the direction it’s heading in. If you want to dig deeper, the 3-2-1 Tarot Spread is perfect to read with Elemental Dignities.

Daily Tarot Spread

tarot elements daily tarot spread

Expanding on the traditional Card-A-Day for your tarot journal, get a clearer idea of what lay ahead with six card positions. Perfect for those special days when you need to know more.

Personality Tarot Spread

personality tarot spread

Learn more about yourself with the Personality Tarot Spread. Discover your long term potential, spirituality type, tenacity, positive/negative traits + more.

Baggage Handler Tarot Spread

Does knowing so much about your firiends influence your tarot readings for them? Use the Baggage Handler Tarot Spread first to clear your thoughts before giving them their tarot reading. It’s a great way to prepare for the day ahead as well as reading tarot for those you know.