Tarot Card Counting Tutorial

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This tutorial will focus on Card Counting as refined by the Golden Dawn, their system is interwoven with the Qabbalah and the Tree of Life, and you will see influences from these systems in Card Counting, though you don’t need knowledge in either to count cards.

Beyond the Celtic Cross – Behind the Scenes


It’s not every day that you get to write a book, not one that gets published. And it’s not every day that you become friends with an eminent and highly respected Tarot reader and author. But that’s exactly what happened to me.

I met Paul Hughes-Barlow online through his Supertarot website and we wrote a book together – Beyond the Celtic Cross: Secret Techniques for Taking Tarot to an Exciting New Level.

Not wanting this to be your standard promo – I thought it would be a great idea to take you behind the scenes to the creation of our book. So instead of beyond it, I’m going to take you behind it, and back to February 14th – Valentines Day, 2008.

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