3-2-1 Tarot Spread

3 2 1 one tarot spread

Sometimes all you need from a tarot spread is a quick snap-shot of the situation and the direction it’s heading in. If you want to dig deeper, the 3-2-1 Tarot Spread is perfect to read with Elemental Dignities.

Does the Future Change Just by Knowing the Outcome of a Tarot Reading?

What a great question!

Tarot Elements friend, Jennifer Mitchell, recently asked this question. I thought this deserved some real discussion and with Jennifer’s permission, brought the debate over to the blog.

This is what Jennifer asked:

Does knowing the outcome of a Tarot reading change the outcome of the subject of the reading? Generally, does knowing the future unavoidably change it?

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Using Ritual to Centre & Empower Your Tarot Readings

For those of you who know me well, you will have seen the picture of me on Facebook reading tarot for a friend after dinner in our local carvery. We were chatting away while I shuffled the cards and a bunch of them flew out of the deck but held together as they landed on the table. We decided to use them. What became very quickly apparent was that these cards weren’t for my friend, but for me, and very definitively. So what happened?

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