Single Tarot card Readings
People use the Daily Tarot Card Oracle for specific questions relating to their life, not just their day. If you would like a more personalised reading tailored to your situation, the Single Tarot Card Reading is just for you!
Based on the style of the popular Daily Tarot Card Oracle, the Single Tarot Card Reading is up to 200 words and is tightly focused on your specific issue*. You’ve heard the term, all killer and no filler? Each and every word of your reading is relevant and on point.
No rambling, no maybes – just clear, pertinent advice with a proactive flavour.
Form your question in order to get the best from your reading. If you need help tightening your questions up, no worries. Just pay for your reading and email me through the Paypal link and I will help you form a tight question. If you would like to figure this out for yourself, read Asking an Effective Question from the Yes No Tarot Card Reading help pages. In fact, it’s best to also read Personal Responsbility and Code of Ethics. These inform how we both act, interact and go forward. Whether you are buying a reading from me or looking to draw some tarot reading boundaries of your own, they are a good place to start piecing your own tarot codes togethers.
What will my reading look like?
Here is a screenshot of the 9 of Wands from the Daily Tarot Oracle Card entry:

So, a card, a snappy oracle message and then your reading – all delivered to the email of your choice. I deliver this service through email in order to save you money. The less time I spend being fancy, the more value I can provide for you.
Okay, you have your info, you have your question – all you need to do now is buy your reading!
I look forward to working with you!
*If you have an important day coming up that you would like to how to handle, or a particular week ahead, the Single Tarot Card Reading is flexible enough to function across many types of readings. So from a personalised Daily Tarot Oracle Reading, a specific but snappy question reading or the week ahead – the possibilities are limited only to our imaginations!