Logical Levels Tarot Spread

Logical Levels Model

How do you see yourself? Do you think you the world sees you differently? Discover how you fit into your own life, your dreams and goals with the Logical Levels Tarot Spread – guaranteed to open your eyes to who you really are and what you’re capable of in your life.

You’re Gonna Have to Face it, You’re Addicted to Tarot…

We’ve all seen client’s addicted to Tarot readings – they come back time and again but way too often to be healthy. It’s one of the reasons a large number of Tarot readers have a code of ethics, to protect the vulnerable, and themselves from over-use, or, dare I say it, abuse of their services; and perhaps one of the reasons many Psychic Lines are constantly busy.
I find that a fascinating subject and one I will perhaps write about after this post. What I’m interested in talking about today is Tarot Readers who are addicted to having tarot readings themselves.
I have a couple of friends* who currently don’t seem able to make a decision without either:

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Tarot Deck Review: The Transparent Tarot

by Annastacia Simon
The Transparent Tarot – clearly not your mother’s deck…
Well, not my mother’s deck anyway. Her’s was a trusty traditional Thoth deck which was the very first Tarot I ever experienced. To be honest, it was because of that first deck that I actually put away Tarot for most of my life. Perhaps I was too young, but I really didn’t get anything out of those first Tarot experiences; much as I loved simply flipping through the cards to enjoy their symbolism. Many of the cards felt negative to me, like the Tower and Death cards. Now that I am older and have tried more decks and learned of other’s experiences, I realise I’m not alone in getting a shiver when cards such as these surface.
When I sought out Emily Carding’s Transparent Tarot, it was because I wanted to support my great friend’s tremendous achievement as a Tarot artist. I figured I would dabble with them a bit, but I doubted that I would ‘bond’ with them beyond that connection of ‘Emily made these!’

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Using Ritual to Centre & Empower Your Tarot Readings

For those of you who know me well, you will have seen the picture of me on Facebook reading tarot for a friend after dinner in our local carvery. We were chatting away while I shuffled the cards and a bunch of them flew out of the deck but held together as they landed on the table. We decided to use them. What became very quickly apparent was that these cards weren’t for my friend, but for me, and very definitively. So what happened?

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