Tarot Elements Signature Spread©

Welcome to the Tarot Elements Signature Spread Tutorial. This is my very own personal spread that I use exclusively, but am now sharing with you, my readers and friends. I will be outlining the positions of the Tarot cards using a mix of explanation and visual graphics, and giving tips along the way to help you gain the most out of my favourite Tarot spread.

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Gemini Music

Guest post by Mick Frankel
Gemini is the sign of the Twins. It’s the sign of Mutable Air. What sort of music might fit with this quick-minded sign?
The mutability suggests music that flows and changes. The air element means that there has to be a clear intelligence at work. And Gemini is ruled by Mercury so this reinforces the intelligent communication. Maybe some gentle humour and an overall lightness of touch as well.

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The Elemental Dignities Dictionary


Elemental Dignities Dictionary includes platonic solids, two card combinations, three card combinations, card pairing, two options spread, linear spread + tarot readings.

Tarot Deck Review: The Gaian Tarot

Like many others, I have been watching the progress of the creation of the wonderful Gaian Tarot from Joanna Powell Colbert. Nine years is a long time to work on a single project, but the cards themselves are so visually stunning they have definitely been worth the effort and definitely worth the wait.

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The Gaian Tarot – An Interview With Joanna Powell Colbert

Gaian Tarot Oracle
I recently began writing a review of the wonderful Gaian Tarot, created by Joanna Powell Colbert. Communication with Joanna regarding permission to use the artwork on my Tarot blog quickly became chatty and as luck would have it, she kindly agreed to a short interview based on the Gaian Tarot. This post is that interview, the review will follow in a couple of days. Enjoy.

Where did the Gaian Tarot begin for you?
I had the desire to create a deck of my own back in the mid-80’s when I was deep into Goddess and Tarot studies, especially of the Motherpeace and RWS decks. But the thought of painting 78 cards was daunting. (Little did I know . . .) Later on, in the late 90’s, I went through a period of time where I let go of all my esoteric interests like tarot, astrology and ritual. I moved to a small, rural island, built a straw bale house with my husband and started a wilderness awareness course of studies — learning about the native plants and animals, going deep into the Spirit of Place.

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