Timing Events Using Tarot and Astrology


Learn how to apply timing to your tarot readings using the traditional method that uses the tarot suits and numerology to the more complex astrological associations refined by the Golden Dawn. Follow seven colour coded tables and a colourful card wheel image that presents the information clearly including discussion around them that explain points you may be unfamiliar with.

Minor Arcana Correspondences


Minor Arcana Correspondences teaches core tarot suit information in colour coded & easy to read tables. It includes astrology, timing, numerology, counting values & yes no tarot answers.

Major Arcana Correspondences


Learning to read tarot usually begins with the major arcana. Listed in this post are two major arcana correspondence charts, colour coded to help you see at-a-glance major arcana elements, astrology, timing, numerology, counting values + yes no tarot.

Live Tarot Reading & Staging a Fake One


Are you thinking about applying to a psychic line to do live tarot readings but are nervous about the experience? Let me help you prepare for it with insider knowledge of what’s expected of you, tarot tips to help you when you’re stuck plus an exercise to help you prepare for the big day.