Virgo Through the Eyes of Tarot
An exploration of Virgo as represented through tarot including topics such as numerology and astrology, ancient history, mysticism and alchemy.
An exploration of Virgo as represented through tarot including topics such as numerology and astrology, ancient history, mysticism and alchemy.
Part Four of Mick Frankel’s excellent course: Hebrew for Tarot Readers – the Planetary Trumps.
This tutorial will focus on Card Counting as refined by the Golden Dawn, their system is interwoven with the Qabbalah and the Tree of Life, and you will see influences from these systems in Card Counting, though you don’t need knowledge in either to count cards.
Read my review of Judy Hall’s beautiful & effective Crystal Healing Oracle, complete with pictures.
Create your perfect tarot deck by combining your favourite tarot cards from multiple decks.
If you only buy one beginner’s tarot book – this should be it. Read my review of this excellent book with cards, exercises & reading techniques.
This redrawing of the Tarot de Madenie is an interesting & well put together kit. Great for beginners to the Tarot de Marseille tradition.