Meditation on Death

Cosmic Tarot Death card

A look at the Buddhist perception of impermanence, how it relates to the Death card in tarot & our spiritual growth as individuals.

An Unlikely Relationship

lovers and devil from 1909 rider tarot

There is no denying the visual similarities between these two cards. Barbara Moore looks more closely at them including their numerology.

Order In The Court

universal rider waite smith tarot wands court cards

Guest post by Barbara Moore.

Do you think about the number of Minors, Majors, and Court Cards and thank the tarot goddesses and gods that there are only sixteen Court Cards? I know I did. Even today, after almost two decades of studying and reading tarot, I still cringed when Court Cards turned up in readings. Court Cards are usually considered among the most difficult cards to interpret. I can think of several reasons why this is true.

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