Logical Levels Tarot Spread

Logical Levels Model

How do you see yourself? Do you think you the world sees you differently? Discover how you fit into your own life, your dreams and goals with the Logical Levels Tarot Spread – guaranteed to open your eyes to who you really are and what you’re capable of in your life.

Free Online Tarot Readings – Do They Work?

You betcha!
I haven’t used a free online Tarot reading service for quite some time. As I progressed along my own Tarot journey, and got better at reading the cards, I had no need to. There are some good services out there, Lotus Tarot, Llewellyn and Tarot.com all have excellent services, some free, some paid, but the lack of specifics in positions is always a let down, and sometimes, even when there is a “the Chariot in this position tells you to….” it’s still a little general and non-specific.

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