There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:
“Ch” is pronounced like a full-on Scots version of “Loch”. Along with “tz” it’s the characteristic sound of Hebrew as in the word, “chutzpah”.
Discover the Wisdom Seeker’s Tarot in my honest review of this kit of self-discovery & self-insight.
Part Four of Mick Frankel’s excellent course: Hebrew for Tarot Readers – the Planetary Trumps.
This redrawing of the Tarot de Madenie is an interesting & well put together kit. Great for beginners to the Tarot de Marseille tradition.
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:
“Ch” is pronounced like a full-on Scots version of “Loch”. Along with “tz” it’s the characteristic sound of Hebrew as in the word, “chutzpah”.