Free Tarot Readings for Life, Love & Relationships


If you are looking for a free tarot reading and don’t know who or what site to trust, let me help you! I partnered with free reading website,, after I thoroughly road-tested it. I recommend this site above the others, read on to find out why.

Live Tarot Reading & Staging a Fake One


Are you thinking about applying to a psychic line to do live tarot readings but are nervous about the experience? Let me help you prepare for it with insider knowledge of what’s expected of you, tarot tips to help you when you’re stuck plus an exercise to help you prepare for the big day.

A Journey Tarot Spread

shadowscapes tarot shamanic journey tarot spread

Follow me as I explore my future soul retrieval using a very flexible tarot spread from Shadowscapes Tarot. Perfect for shamanic, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual journeys. If you are thinking of leaving, moving or seeking, you need – A Journey Tarot Spread.

When Death Means Death

tarot death card

Is the Death card a transition or is it final? Read a very personal portrayal of this card, how it impacted me & how I see it now.