Guest post by Stacy LaRosa
For the sake of ease, we will give the Past Event card the number 0 so as not to confuse those who have not tried the spread yet.
- 0 Past Event
- If a Major Arcana card comes up I feel certain that this is a long standing issue that has recently started coming to a head again. This is the card that I feel has the most relevance over the others because it gives us a background on the anxiety. If it is a court card it alerts me to either a person or an energy around the querent or one that they may need to adapt or drop. If it’s a pip card it signals an action that was taken or needs to be taken and it is not being acknowledged, so the dream is doing all it can to get your attention.
- 1 Overall Theme of the Dream
- This card will indicate what is currently going on. It will be a warning of an impending loss, a big decision that needs to be made, a situation that is arising that needs to be dealt with or the feelings and emotions that the dreamer is experiencing that are causing anxiety. In the case of happy, joyous dreams this card is that Cosmic High Five that says to you, “Good job! Well done.”
- 2 What is blocking this message
- There is always the biggest reaction to this card! It is sometimes so hard to see clearly when we are in the midst of a tumultuous situation that we miss signs, clues and messages. Our lives are so busy, we’re running like crazy, meeting deadlines, providing for our families, helping others…we don’t take the time to stop and think about that crazy dream because it’s just silly. Therefore, when this card is read, I am never surprised to see the furrow in the eyebrows, a slight wiggling in their seat and I know to be quiet for a bit, allowing them time to digest what I have just told them.
- 3 Message of this dream
- Here is the card that lays it all out for you. If the 6 of Cups, a normally happy card, came in reversed and the dreamer tells you that an old ex reappeared and that they had a very toxic, on again off again relationship, it would be a clear message indeed. But, as readers, we understand that the heart knows what the heart knows, so all we can do is put it out there and hope for the best. If The Devil came up, I’d inquire into any kind of overindulgence, whether it is food, drink, drugs, shopping…even obssessive thinking. If a Knight came in and the dream was of a romantic sort, (depending on the suit!) I’d say there is a good chance that they will meet someone soon. Whether they stick around….that’s another dream!
- 4 Lesson to be learned
- By this point, the dreamer’s mind is spinning at such a rapid pace that it’s important to take your time. Although either way it’s a fairly short spread, when dealing with sensitive, vulnerable and personal (sometimes even embarrassing) issues, it is best to flip the card, give it to the dreamer and let them look at it, ruminate on it for a bit, and then see what they think. This helps them to be more proactive in their decision making and will reduce the possibility of that person making you a crutch for their every decision. I let them ask as many questions as they need to, but I try to have them provide the answers.
So, have a dream, write it down, work out the symbols first since Tarot and dream symbols are NOT the same and then try the spread! You will be amazed at what you might learn about yourself, will come into your new sense of power by figuring out WHAT is causing this anxiety in my waking life that it is infiltrating my dreams?
Stacy La Rosa
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