Letting Go With the Hanged Man Ritual


Learn how to step into your best self by letting go of all that does not serve you anymore. My 2019 Hanged Man Ritual features detailed thoughts and expressions on the Hanged Man, the Sun and the Empress, as well as my personal New Year’s Eve ritual that you can use at home.

Daily Tarot Spread

tarot elements daily tarot spread

Expanding on the traditional Card-A-Day for your tarot journal, get a clearer idea of what lay ahead with six card positions. Perfect for those special days when you need to know more.

Soul Journey Tarot Spread

soul journey tarot spread

Where does your soul go when you sleep? What does it discover? Who does it meet? What does it learn and what does it bring back to you? Find out here.

Free Online Tarot Readings – Do They Work?

You betcha!
I haven’t used a free online Tarot reading service for quite some time. As I progressed along my own Tarot journey, and got better at reading the cards, I had no need to. There are some good services out there, Lotus Tarot, Llewellyn and Tarot.com all have excellent services, some free, some paid, but the lack of specifics in positions is always a let down, and sometimes, even when there is a “the Chariot in this position tells you to….” it’s still a little general and non-specific.

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