For those of you who know me well, you will have seen the picture of me on Facebook reading tarot for a friend after dinner in our local carvery. We were chatting away while I shuffled the cards and a bunch of them flew out of the deck but held together as they landed on the table. We decided to use them. What became very quickly apparent was that these cards weren’t for my friend, but for me, and very definitively. So what happened?
Tips and Techniques
Tarot Tips to help you on your journey
Using The Question As A Significator
Use your question as the significator & it becomes part of your tarot reading, helping you to interpret your answer fully informed. Uses elemental dignities
Adding An Elemental Base To Your Readings
Use the four elements to anchor your 3 card tarot readings, enabling another layer of elemental dignities. The elemental base becomes the significator.
Sub-Elements In Tarot Cards
A phenomenon you will come across during Tarot card study and Tarot readings are sub-elements and contradictory elements. Mainly associated with the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot deck and decks inspired by it, at its most simplistic explanation, sub-elements are those underlying elements that are secondary to the main one normally associated with a Tarot card. They can either compliment the main element and theme of the Tarot card, or they can in fact appear contradictory.
Numerology of the Minor Arcana
Often called the Minor Arcana, or the Pip Cards of a Tarot deck, they number 36 in total. I explore the actual cards in my tarot card meanings section. In this post, I want to show you how the numerology of the Minor Arcana works and how the numbers themselves have universal definitions that can be broadly applied to all cards and metaphysical situations. You will no doubt see relationships between the numbers here and the general definitions of the Major Arcana.