Welcome to the Tarot Elements Signature Spread Tutorial. This is my very own personal spread that I use exclusively, but am now sharing with you, my readers and friends. I will be outlining the positions of the Tarot cards using a mix of explanation and visual graphics, and giving tips along the way to help you gain the most out of my favourite Tarot spread.
Top notch tutorials on the Celtic Cross Spread, Elemental Dignities, Hebrew for Tarot Readers, Journey Through the Major Arcana, Tarot Card Counting and the Tarot Elements Signature Spread.
The Elemental Dignities Dictionary
Elemental Dignities Dictionary includes platonic solids, two card combinations, three card combinations, card pairing, two options spread, linear spread + tarot readings.
The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Indicators of Success
Learn how to read the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread by checking Indicators of Success. Includes, the elements, numerology, card ratio, court cards & reversals.
The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Looking Deeper
Learn how to read the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread by Looking Deeper into what the cards and groups of positions mean and how to interpret them.
The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Positions and Their Meanings
Learn how to read the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Positions and their Meanings. See this tarot lesson come alive with a real tarot reading included.
How to Read the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
How to Read the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread introduces the most famous tarot spread in the world. Part One questions whether you need a significator, or not.
Elemental Dignities Mini Series
If I free associate, I see strength in its formation; being armed at the ready; all the battalions are ready to move; feeling proud; standing tall; being illuminated; there’s a softness to this strength; it’s non-aggressive; shining a light in the dark; the light at the end of the tunnel.