There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:
“Ch” is pronounced like a full-on Scots version of “Loch”. Along with “tz” it’s the characteristic sound of Hebrew as in the word, “chutzpah”.
Using reversed tarot cards with elemental dignities can be simple and complicated at the same time. Follow my easy lesson on how to get the best out of this combination of tarot reading, complete with images to help you see the process first hand.
Minor Arcana Correspondences teaches core tarot suit information in colour coded & easy to read tables. It includes astrology, timing, numerology, counting values & yes no tarot answers.
Learning to read tarot usually begins with the major arcana. Listed in this post are two major arcana correspondence charts, colour coded to help you see at-a-glance major arcana elements, astrology, timing, numerology, counting values + yes no tarot.
Used as an intimate and private tool for personal consultation, this beautiful tarot oracle can help you connect to your higher power in a gentle but meaningful way.
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:
“Ch” is pronounced like a full-on Scots version of “Loch”. Along with “tz” it’s the characteristic sound of Hebrew as in the word, “chutzpah”.
Achieve your goals with an original & dedicated tarot spread. The Tarot Elements Vision Spread Includes reading techniques to help you.
The simple Past Present, Future Tarot Spread brought to life using the four elements turning a 3 card spread into a 16 card spread using elemental dignities