What Does the 8 of Cups Mean?
On the surface, everything looks fine. No-one knows how you feel inside. The 8 of Cups mirrors back to you your need to up and walk away. Just like that. And no-one will see it coming. Only you.

8 of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
- Keywords for the 8 of Cups
- Lethargy; indifference; melancholy; despondency; feeling dejected; turning away from your aim, giving up; choosing to leave; leaving covertly; a surprise departure; leaving the past behind; abandonment; embarking on an emotional quest.
- 8 of Cups Reversed
- Questioning your decision to leave; not being able to move on; fear of the unknown; difficulty in moving on; clinging to the past; deepening depression and despondency.
- 8 of Cups as People
- Backpackers; travelers; adventurers; treasure hunters; night shift workers; solitary
workers; grounds men and maintenance workers.
8 of Cups Correspondences
Element | Water |
Timing | Feb 19 – Feb 28. Saturn in Pisces |
Numerology | 8 – Manifestation, practicality, skill, absolute decisions, business, the ego |
Card Counting Value | 8 – card number |
Yes or No | No |
8 of Cups as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card
Oracle Message: When you make your big decision today, make it with certainty & make it in the Light.

When you think the grass is greener on the other side, it often isn’t. A decision made in emotion is usually a mistake. The 8 of Cups from any other deck would leave us feeling a little on the low side. You may be planning to leave, you may think you’re making the right decision – but under the influence of La Luna, can you be so sure?
Dancer Eight offers us hope instead of uncertainty disguised as it. The bright sun warms our face and shows us the potential of renewal. The grass is on this side and is part of the journey and not some elusive goal.
There is a joy in this journey – Dancer Eight isn’t leaving under cover of darkness, nor under a cloud. She knows her decision is the right one for her as she’s guided by the sun and its promise of renewal. In her heart and mind, she knows it’s where she’s meant to be, following the beacon in her soul. Freedom is before her.
Tarot of the Sidhe by Emily Carding
On the surface, everything looks fine. No-one knows how you feel inside. The 8 of Cups mirrors back to you your need to up and walk away. Just like that. And no-one will see it coming. Only you. tarot #dailytarot #learntarot… Share on X