What Does the 8 of Swords Mean?

There is an odd dichotomy with the 8 of Swords – you want to break free, and you can, but don’t. These bonds aren’t emotional but dutiful. You are holding yourself here though, through choice, duty bound.

Lo Scarabeo Tarot

Tarot Card Meanings for the 8 of Swords

Keywords for the 8 of Swords
Interference; sheer bad luck; being held back; mental blockages; unforeseen obstructions; fulfilling obligations; self-sabotage; fear of failure; holding yourself back; quitting before you fail; being immobilized; being outmaneuvered; being outplayed.
8 of Swords Reversed
Being released from obligations; taking steps to empowerment; overcoming fear; obstacles clearing; overcoming obstacles; seeing the situation clearly; finding freedom.
8 of Swords as People
Crowd controller; traffic control – road and air; military strategist; planner; a prisoner/prison guard; beach life guard.

8 of Swords Correspondences

Element Air
Timing May 21 – May 31. Jupiter in Gemini
Numerology 8 – Manifestation, practicality, skill, absolute decisions, business, the ego
Card Counting Value 8 – card number
Yes or No No


8 of Swords as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card

Oracle Message: Thinking you can’t imprisons you. Believing you can sets you free.


The 8 of Swords speaks of interference from internal and external influences, so while there are things beyond your control, there are plenty within it. Negative thinking, while hard to eradicate, can keep you in a holding pattern. Repeated failures only serve to reinforce what you’ve come to believe – that nothing goes right for you, and all of your efforts seem pointless.

The hummingbird, representative of your inner guide, urges you to be still for a moment and move gently and quietly. Grand gestures and wailing dramas only serve to perpetuate your dilemma. Overthinking a problem or situation can often make it worse. Now is not the time for a knee-jerk reaction.

Will it be a difficult day? Most likely. This isn’t a day for quick fixes. It’s a day for navigating those difficulties and applying yesterday’s message from the Hermit, take stock of your situation while you have the time to. The hummingbird is your saving grace today. Take heed of its message and be patient.

Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law


There is an odd dichotomy with the 8 of Swords – you want to break free, and you can, but don't. These bonds aren't emotional but dutiful. You are holding yourself here though, through choice, duty bound. tarot #dailytarot… Share on X

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