What Does the 5 of Wands Mean?
We see strife, arguments & sometimes physical combat with the 5 of Wands. People are passionately disagreeing & things may get out of hand without a mediator or referee

Tarot Card Meanings for the 5 of Wands
- Keywords for the 5 of Wands
- Unrest; unease; disagreements; an internal battle; disruption; defending yourself or others; competition; being challenged; challenges; competitive sports; brainstorming and group discussions; problem solving; friskiness, sexual arousal; guys hanging out together.
- The 5 of Wands Reversed
- Continuation of strife; aggression; violence; physical harm; abuse; calling a truce; an end to conflict; a challenge rescinded; a delay in troubles; sporting defeat.
- The 5 of Wands As People
- Team sportsmen and women; contact sports people; army soldiers; front line workers in emergency services; committees and councilors;
5 of Wands Correspondences
Element | Fire |
Timing | July 22 – Aug 1. Saturn in Leo |
Numerology | 5 – Instability, exaggeration, over exertion, strife, changes, freedom, loss |
Card Counting Value | 5 – Card number |
Yes or No | No |
5 of Wands as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card
Oracle Message: Be smart & roll with the punches

The mystics talk of creativity as one of the most important things we can do for ourselves and our souls. Osho talked extensively about its benefits. And yet today, your attempts at creativity will meet with resistance that may be internal or external.
The 5 of Wands talks of struggles, obstacles, disagreements even, but it doesn’t talk of fatality, of an end or an impossibility to begin or complete your tasks today, just that you will meet with resistance and that will frustrate the hell out of you.
If your task can wait till tomorrow, leave it aside. If not, put it aside for now and come back to it later. It may be a tricky day, but it won’t be a terrible one. Be smart & roll with the punches – use your creativity to find your way round them & don’t engage.