What Does the 4 of Wands Mean?
The 4 of Wands shows the completion of the first stage of your project. All is well & we have made a success of our work & lives, so far. Get ready for the next stage.

Tarot Card Meanings for the 4 of Wands
- Keywords for the of Wands
- Initial success; first stage of completion; continuation of the project; wholeness; progression; equilibrium; balanced harmony; green light to continue; moving house; setting up a new home; large celebrations; a welcome home party.
- 4 of Wands Reversed
- Delays to completion; disruptions; obstacles causing delays; problems at home; a surprise party foiled; mishaps and small accidents.
- 4 of Wands as People
- Estate agents; banqueting staff; event organizers; homemakers; project managers; demolition experts; auctioneers.
4 of Wands Correspondences
Element | Fire |
Timing | Apr 11 – Apr 20. Venus in Aries |
Numerology | 4 – Form, completeness, foundations, progress, power, stability. |
Card Counting Value | 4 |
Yes or No | Yes |
4 of Wands as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card
Oracle Message: Life is moving in the right direction, make sure you’re ready.

Plans you made previously are showing signs of movement, positive progress – completion of a stage. Life experiences are often incremental in their intensity, which also means you need to be ready for the next stage.
Make sure you’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed the t’s, filed away what’s dealt with and make room for what’s new – it’ll come a whole lot quicker if it can just slot right in.
This is a happy card, and so a nice day is before you, even if the completion involves unpleasant business, at least you know it’s coming to an end. Allow yourself to celebrate, even a little, and enjoy the feelings of a job well done and a life moving forward, for that is the best news of the day.