What Does the King of Pentacles Mean?
Stable, sensual & well off, the King of Pentacles is the one constant in your life that you can rely on. He is thoughtful and wise, not rushing decisions nor being swayed to conform to modernity. He may not be exciting, but you an rely on this man & those like him.

Tarot Card Meanings for the King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles General Keywords & Reversed Meanings
- General
- Master builder; prosperity; has the golden touch; ambitious; safe; kindness; patriarchal; father figure; protector; financial security; successful businessman.
- Reversed
- Materialistic; bigot; exploiter/harsh employer; chauvinistic; opinionated; cruel; wasteful; poor business decisions; greed/avarice; sex addict.
King of Pentacles as People
- Occupations
- Estate agent/developers; businessman/manager; director; master craftsman; banker; stock broker; trader; teacher/educator; mentor; merchants; importers/exporters.
- As a Person
- Hardworking and capable; physically strong and not afraid to get his hands dirty; will just as likely to be digging foundations as he is managing the crew; self-sufficient and excellent with finances; likes prosperity and abundance; is generous but not frivilous with money; enjoys the spoils of war and the fruits of his labours.
King of Pentacles as Events & Inner Processes
- As an Event in Your Life
- Landing a long term contract; investing in a business, or investiment coming into your business; sales or purchases of property and/or land; meeting with a financial consultant; taking an active interest in conservation and eco issues; moving into the building stages of a plan or project; team building and/or building a team; leading from the ranks.
- As an Inner Process
- Committing yourself to your goals; living with a greater sense of purpose; personal growth and development through actions and deed; developing or improving benevolence; exploring inner resources and abilities; pursuing self-sufficiency and self-reliance; learning to relax and enjoy your abundance
Kings, Knights & Fathers
The King is but one way to represent the mature men that grace each suit. The main three decks follow this way but some decks break with this tradition. The Quest Tarot is one such deck where the court family is replaced with an actual family: father, mother, son & daughter. Changing the title of the card does shift the meaning a little and humanises the court card in a more familiar way, as I explore in How to Finally Conquer the Court Cards. For a little more information about this group in general, see my post Kings, Knights and Fathers.
King of Pentacles Correspondences
Elemental | Fire of Earth. Kings are fire, the suit is earth |
Timing | Aug 12 – Sept 11 |
20° Leo – 20° Virgo | |
Rules 7 of Wands; 8 of Pentacles; 9 of Pentacles | |
Qabalah | Chokmah in Assiah |
Numerical Values | 4 – card counting value / letters of the Tetragrammaton |
2 – Tree of Life sephira – Chokmah | |
14 – sequential, following the Queen of Penacles | |
Yes or No | Yes |
King of Pentacles as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card
Oracle Message: This is a day for holding court & solving issues.

There is a strong sense of money management today. Money and people. It feels like a ‘Bank of Mum & Dad’ kind of day where you are not just working out family loans or finances, this is also a day for sorting out family squabbles. Someone has to take the highroad and that someone is you.
You may be thinking, why me, again? But take it as a compliment that people see you as someone like the King of Pentacles – trustworthy, authoritive, level-headed and great in a crisis. And the crisis may not be huge on a global scale, but when the problem is in our heads, it’s all consuming and resolved only when one of the heads can see above the others.
A king also knows when to say no and will do so if it is the right call so while you may be sought out, it doesn’t mean you have to oblige. They’ve come to you for a reason, and that essentially what this day is about – advising on how to solve issues and not necessarily fixing them for others. Show a man how to fish, and all that.
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