What Does the 5 of Cups Mean?
When all seems lost, and you feel bereft, know that two cups are still standing. The 5 of Cups shows loss & emotional pain, but it also reminds us that all is not lost & that we can recover. Have hope.

5 of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
- Keywords for the 5 of Cups
- Sadness; feeling disappointed; feeling let down or betrayed; the doldrums; acceptance of misfortune; malaise; despondency; discontent; some losses; not appreciating all you have; negative thinking; depression; pessimism; mourning.
- 5 of Cups Reversed
- Seeing the good in life; recognising your pluses; down but not out; growing optimism; healing beginning. Deepening sadness or depression; bereavement; regret. 5 of Cups People
- Funeral director; grief counsellors, debt collectors; repossession agents; the
grieving, depressed and despondent. Eternal pessimists.
5 of Cups Correspondences
Element | Water |
Timing | Oct 23 – Nov 1. Mars in Scorpio |
Numerology | 5 – Instability, exaggeration, over exertion, strife, changes, freedom, loss |
Card Counting Value | 5 – card number |
Yes or No | No |
5 of Cups as a Daily Tarot
Oracle Message: It’s a moody day & you may lose out but you should never give up hope.

There is a feeling of loss and regret linked with the 5 of Cups. Loss because something is leaving or fading. A relationship may be beginning to wane, and you know it. Regret comes from knowing you didn’t do something when you had the chance to and looking back, you wish you had.
There are five cups in the card, traditionally two are still standing so this loss is recoverable. You still have something but is it enough? Should you cut your losses and pull the plug now before it gets worse or hang onto the bitter end hoping it will improve along the way? The 5 of Cups doesn’t tell what to do here, it just tells you what you’re experiencing and feeling.
With regret, you cannot get back that lost opportunity, but you still have something, can you build on that foundation and again, should you? These are you questions today and I suggest you don’t answer them until you have a clearer mind.