What Does the Ace of Cups Mean?
The Ace of Cups creates something new in its purest sense – love, life and a connection to the divine in the form of a spiritual practice or communication with angels. You see increased intuition + abundance coupled with joy

Tarot Card Meanings for the Ace of Cups
- Keywords for the Ace of Cups
- Love in its purest sense; its connection to the divine source; increased psychism & intuition; mind, body & spirit in union; abundance; a new relationship; birth or pregnancy; sensual passion; inspired creativity.
- Ace of Cups Reversed
- Loss of love; feeling unhappy; feeling sad and blue; feeling unloved; sadness in love; temporary separations; rejection in love.
- Ace of Cups as People
- Psychics; artists; lovers; mystics and spiritual seekers; questers; potters; glass
cutters; ornament sellers/collectors.
Ace of Cups Correspondences
Elemental | Water |
Timing | Sept 23 – Dec 20 |
Rules space not time & sits upon the Princess (Page) of Cups as its throne | |
Qabalah | Kether of Briah |
Numerical Values | 1 – Pioneering, leading, alpha, dominance, ambitious, originality |
5 – card counting value: four elements plus spirit | |
11 – card counting value: magick | |
Yes or No | Yes |
*See Timing Events Using Tarot and Astrology for an explanation of the Ace & Page rulerships.
Ace of Cups as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card
Oracle Message: Open your heart & be receptive to the beauty all around you.

Ah, l’amour… What is love? We experience it as an emotion, as something tangible and real. The mystics say the universe is built upon love, which is entirely abstract. Enter the Ace of Cups – tangible love and yet as an ace, not an anything tangible at all. Love is as much an enigma as the opposite sex.
What does this mean for you, today? You will be touched by love in the real and abstract sense. You will have the loveliest of moods and feel joy, compassion and experience beauty in the mundane. You may well bump into Mr or Mrs Right, or have a renewed sense of love with your partner – including some sweet romance and maybe even some beautiful loving sex.
So you can see how many ways you can feel the Ace of Cups today – the mystics may have been right all along – love is everywhere, inside you and around you and for today, you will experience it fully.
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