What Does the 6 of Cups Mean?
In one tradition, the 6 of Cups is clearly sexual, in another it is nostalgic. It may represent your family, connections & ancestry. It may also represent the core of you, who you are, underneath the surface..

6 of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
- Keywords for the 6 of Cups
- Pleasure; sentimentality; nostalgia; happy memories; indulgence; sexual pleasures; enjoyment; gratification; excitement; ecstasy; communication with ancestors; family karma; family support; reminiscing; dealing with the extended family; family spirits/ghosts.
- 6 of Cups Reversed
- Living in the past; skeletons in the closet; not cutting apron strings; leaving the past behind; not being able to move on; Peter Pan syndrome; living to old traditions.
- 6 of Cups as People
- Family historians; families; siblings; florists; child minders; nursery workers;
teachers; youth workers.
6 of Cups Correspondences
Element | Water |
Timing | Nov 2 – Nov 12. Sol in Scorpio |
Numerology | 6 – Movement, balance, solutions, harmony, healing, empathy |
Card Counting Value | 6 – card number |
Yes or No | Yes |
Nudity Note: the nudity in this card may seem misplaced in the modern age. What it does seek to show is the sexual nature of the card that Aleister Crowley talked about. Is there another way to show this other than a naked woman with a perfect body? Yes, undoubtedly. Lo Scarabeo is a European company and unfortunately do depict their ladies this way. It is my least favourite card in the deck, visually, but is a minor complaint compared to the rest of the way the deck marries three traditions into one.
6 of Cups as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card
Oracle Message: It takes two to resolve a dispute but it takes just one to make the first move. Pick up the phone & bring an end to the emotional desert.

What a lovely day to remember times gone by & to connect with those who are important to you. This could be as simple as coffee with an old school friend where you reminisce about fun times in school. It could be game night with your friends. It could be as simple as sifting through your box of old photographs and organising them into new albums.
It can be as simple as sitting quietly as remembering your ancestors that you knew (and the ones that you didn’t) and connecting with them spiritually, through a quiet meditation.
On the back of the disappointments of the 5 of Cups, the six asks you to remember all that you do have that you value and treasure, and keeping them close in your heart. But definitely at least hook up with family and/or friends and have some laughs remembering fun times gone by.