What Does the Sun Card Mean?

vitality ~ blessings ~ good times

Lo Scarabeo Tarot

Tarot Card Meanings for the Sun Card

Keywords for the Sun
Life, energy, vitality, joy, enlightenment, warmth, manifestation, happiness, YES! riches, marriage, good times, success, clear thinking, optimism, blessings, good fortune, a good holiday, nice weather; male archetype/masculinity, the conscious mind.
The Sun Reversed
Partial success, sadness, hoping for an improvement, feeling under the weather, reduced vitality, delayed success/happiness, being overly sentimental, things are not as rosy as they seem, false impressions.
The Sun as People
Travel agents, activity holiday staff, sun worshippers, outdoor workers, motivational speakers, weather reporters, gardeners/horticulturalists, equestrians/jockeys.

The Sun Card Correspondences

Key 19
Element Fire
Hebrew Letter ר – Raish
Astrology The Sun
Summer; good weather
Related to Wheel of Fortune 19/1+9=10
Magician 10/1+0=1
Count 9 – planetary trump
Yes/No Yes


The Sun as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card

Oracle Message: It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me & I’m feeling good.*


Imgine a winter’s day when you wake up & the sun is shining. Everything feels better. You are lifted & renewed, just at the very sight of the sun, the blue sky & the recalling of summer memories – doesn’t it feel good?

The Sun brings blessings, good tidings and a reminder that you have what it takes to succeed, you’ve just forgotten. The Sun says, “You have your power – if you’ve given it away, take it back; if you’ve misplaced it, know you only have to feel the warmth on your face to remember where it is.”

All this adds up to a great day before you – within yourself and from outside for the Sun also brings glad tidings – news of pregnancies, proposals, engagements – good news of all types. Don’t sit around waiting to hear though, use the energy from our life giving orb & make the most of your day.

*Feeling Good by Nina Simone

Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law


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